Seventy-nine volunteers and representatives of partner-organizations joined the 2017 ICanServe volunteer orientation held September 16.
ICanServe advocacy head Kara Alikpala oriented volunteers on the various committees on which they can serve.
Representatives of Philhealth (Philippine Health Insurance Corporation), PAPCI (Philippine Alliance of Persons with Chronic Illness), and PCSO (Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office updated volunteers on how and where to seek assistance for breast cancer patients.
ICanServe volunteers are expected to serve during ICanServe’s busiest season, Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) with work for fund-raising (#whywefight Fashion Can Serve 2017 on October 8; Rockwell Power Plant Mall pop-up booth on Sept. 29-Oct.1, Oct. 6-8, Oct. 20-22, Oct. 27-29), advocacy (#OKtoberPHdibdib2017 on October 18 in at least 22 locations), collaboration, and media and information.
Philhealth will join OKtober for the first time this year. OKtober conducts breast cancer forums in various communities through partner institutions. Some locations will have facilities to offer clinical breast examination. Philhealth will set up desks where they have regional offices to answer queries, register new members and allow members to update their records.
Emcee Doris Nuval reminded her fellow breast cancer survivors that to ‘volunteer’ means ‘to give one’s time and energy for a cause for free’. ICanServe’s network of volunteers, comprising e-group members, family members, supporters and advocates, make possible its important work of saving lives, and keeping families whole.
“Early detection and timely access to treatment remain to be the best protection against breast cancer.” #EDBP
- Arsenia B. Torres, senior manager, Social Health Insurance Agency, Philhealth
- Arsenia B. Torres, senior manager, Social Health Insurance Agency, Philhealth
- Dr. Marvin C. Galvez, medical specialist, Benefits Development and Research Department, Philhealth
- Dr. Marvin C. Galvez, medical specialist, Benefits Development and Research Department, Philhealth
- Dr. Marvin C. Galvez, medical specialist, Benefits Development and Research Department, Philhealth
- Daryl Calabio, Benefits Development and Research Department, Philhealth
- Daryl Calabio, Benefits Development and Research Department, Philhealth
- Dr. Liza B. Martinez of the Philippine Alliance of Persons with Chronic Illness (PAPCI), which is a Member of the Philippine Coalition on the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Dr. Liza B. Martinez of the Philippine Alliance of Persons with Chronic Illness (PAPCI), which is a Member of the Philippine Coalition on the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Dr. Liza B. Martinez of the Philippine Alliance of Persons with Chronic Illness (PAPCI), which is a Member of the Philippine Coalition on the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- ICanServe co-founders Kara Alikpala and Crisann Celdran
- Divina Sta. Ines, OIC/Division Chief, Charity Assistance Office, PCSO
- Divina Sta. Ines, OIC/Division Chief, Charity Assistance Office, PCSO
- Divina Sta. Ines, OIC/Division Chief, Charity Assistance Office, PCSO
- Speakers field questions from the audience