ELISEO BELARIZ JR., former cafeteria manager, St. Louis University-Sacred Heart Medical Center

Yes, men can get breast cancer, too. I am not ashamed to say that I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020 and, for my treatment, I went through radiation and six rounds of chemotherapy.

I am very grateful to my loving family for showing me unconditional love, their continuous support, and for comforting me in this special journey in my life. I am grateful also to our Creator, Lord Jesus, for giving me the strength and giving me another chance to live.

To all cancer survivors who managed to smile, remember that this is the sweetest victory of our beautiful lives. Keep living a happy life, folks. Me? I am enjoying my life to the fullest.


Photos by: Boy Cabrido

Icons of Hope is a social media campaign that features cancer survivors who share their own stories, learnings and the lives they now live. It is part of ICANSEVE Foundation’s 25th anniversary celebration in collaboration with Camera Club of the Philippines. With thanks to Owen Santos and Zonia Bandoy.

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