KAT CRUZ-VILLANUEVA, fashion stylist, founder, STYLEdiT Group

Before my diagnosis, I was such a workaholic. Even at home, I was always on the go, constantly trying to be productive and filling my time to the brim. I was in a race with myself, never allowing for a moment of stillness. Cancer changed this for me. It taught me the importance of sitting still and quieting my mind, allowing me to listen to my body and give it the rest it needed to heal. This journey has made me more intentional with my energy and actions. I’ve learned to prioritize what truly matters, focusing on meaningful moments rather than just staying busy. Each decision now carries more weight, reminding me to invest my time in ways that nurture both my well-being and my relationships.

The biggest challenge for me was going through chemo—not just because of its physical toll but more the isolation it imposed. With a weakened immune system, I had to be extremely cautious about my surroundings. This meant avoiding anyone who was sick, which was incredibly difficult emotionally. Each time my daughter got sick, I felt helpless, torn between my desire to be the nurturing mother she needed and the harsh reality of my situation…I had to constantly remind myself to reframe my thoughts—to focus on my own healing journey. I found solace in the idea that by prioritizing my health, I was ultimately working towards being there for her in the future.


Photos by: Necy Juat and TJ Davocol

Icons of Hope is a social media campaign that features cancer survivors who share their own stories, learnings and the lives they now live. It is part of ICANSERVE Foundation’s 25th anniversary celebration in collaboration with Camera Club of the Philippines. With thanks to Owen Santos and Zonia Bandoy.

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