ICanServe Foundation, Inc. is the chosen beneficiary for the SuperSale Bazaar in Rockwell Tent on May 20 to 22. Over 100 of the fashion industry's best apparel labels and brand names converge at the SuperSale Bazaar to give shoppers one chic feast for the eyes and the...
ICanTri for ICanServe
Tri-athlete Javy Olives, whose sister was diagnosed with breast cancer 12 years ago, goes to Ironman China 2011 for her cause.
Save the date: Silver Linings 2011 is on September 17
Every breast cancer survivor's favorite event is finally booked! Silver Linings September 17,2011 Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Grand Regal Hotel, Davao City Silver Linings is a national breast cancer forum and homecoming for breast cancer survivors. It's a mix of talks,...
ICanServe thanks all supporters of New Balance Raising Hope
ICanServe Foundation thanks all runners and supporters of New Balance Raising Hope, a multi-category run held on April 9, 2011 in Dasmarinas Village, Makati City. Despite the light rain, it was a fun-filled morning and all beneficiaries felt the sincere love and...
Register now (until March 31) for New Balance Raising Hope on April 9
On April 9, 2011, run to raise hope for cancer patients and cancer awareness in Dasmarinas Village, Makati City. New Balance has again chosen ICanServe Foundation among its beneficiaries for the New Balance Raising Hope run. Co-beneficiaries of ICanServe Foundation...
Ating Dibdibin launched in Panabo City
ICanServe Foundation and the City of Panabo partnered for Ating Dibdibin, the first comprehensive national community-based breast cancer screening program in the Philippines. A flagship project of ICANSERVE, Ating Dibdibin aims to save more lives by promoting early...
Promoting Patient Power ’10
ICanServe Foundation and AVON teamed up a second time to bring together 16 Philippines-based breast cancer patient groups for “Promoting Patient Power II”, held October 2, 2010 in Makati City. The first Patient Power workshop (2005) and this year’s workshop share the...