I Can Serve Foundation (ICanServe) calls on corporate Philippines this October to join the fight against breast cancer. An advocacy group of breast cancer survivors who promote early breast cancer detection, ICanServe launched Pink Positive, its 2013 fund-raiser that...
ICanServe Updates
Order your ICanServe holiday cards now
ICANSERVE Foundation gives supporters an early start at shopping, and what better way to celebrate the spirit of the season than with its annual Gift that Gives back. This year, ICANSERVE CARDS give buyers a choice of an ornament or one with space in which to insert a...
iCanServe Youth Division helps via charity art gallery
On March 2, 2013 the iCanServe Youth Division in partnership with Assumption College San Lorenzo’s Art Corps opened an art auction for the benefit of the iCanServe Foundation, Inc. entitled “Culture Shock”. The art gallery, open from March 2 to 8, 2013, was located at...
Philips chooses ICanServe as partner for Simply Healthy Program
Philips and the ICanServe Foundation conducted a breast cancer forum and free screening for 50 women of Barangay Matandang Balara, Quezon City on March 16 , 2013. The activity formed part of Philips Simply Healthy campaign focusing on educating families on women’s...
ICanServe joins Run Against Cancer
Sign up with Nikoy de Guzman for Run Against Cancer. Call her at 0917 536 7871 or email nanay_ni_yahu@yahoo.com. You can also tweet @hotmommanix for a registration form.
Public breast cancer screening center opens in Taguig
The Taguig City Government enhanced its capability to fight breast cancer among urban poor women, with the opening of the Breast Cancer Screening Center at the Taguig-Pateros District Hospital (TPDH). Mayor Lani Cayetano said the facility, which is equipped with...
Limited edition Titan White Hold Steady Tee released
Basketball specialty shop Titan released its limited edition White Hold Steady Tee on March 26, 2013 at Titan Two Parkade, its anchor store in Bonifacio Global City. Each purchase of the White Hold Steady Tee (P595) entitles the customer to a lottery ticket. Winners...
Get your Hold Steady Tee by Titan for ICanServe, while supply lasts
Titan, the first-of-its-kind basketball specialty place in the Philippines, released the limited edition Hold Steady Tee on March 15, 2013 at Titan Two Parkade, its anchor store in Bonifacio Global City. Each purchase of the Hold Steady Tee (P595) entitles customer to...
Condura Skyway Marathon 2013 lists more charities,including ICanServe
The 6th edition of the Condura Skyway Marathon on February 3, 2013 adds four charities, including ICanServe Foundation, to its list of partners. Tagged as Run for the Mangroves in honor of its main beneficiary, Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation...
First McKinley Hill Art Sunday on November 25 to benefit ICanServe
McKinley Hill is a new development off Bonifacio Global City where young, urban professionals as well as young families reside and work. As a budding community, it is filled with new places and areas that host a variety of events. At the heart of the area is the...